Sunday, February 8, 2009


Lettuce and peas have begun to sprout. Carrots, not yet. Germination is 8-12 days on all of them, and we are at day 5.

I think I need more light. I had two big shop lights that were filling space in my already tightly packed garage, so I freecycled 'em. Dang. Wish I had one of these bad boys back right now.

Toolshed and chicken coop (my woodworking projects that are in the wings) are on hold for a couple of weeks while the finances recover from DD#4's brake job... I haven't made up my mind about the coop yet either. I have plans for one that looks pretty nice, and is light, if I can pull it off. Then there's a dog house at the home improvement store with a hinged roof and is insulated and probably costs less than I can build a coop for... I may just go with that surrounded by chicken wire.

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