Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Lettuce, carrots, peas planted. Check. Put them in peat pots in absent daughters south facing bedroom. We'll see what develops!

So far, the potentially deadly PVC pipe has stayed in place. There has been little wind these past couple of days though, so I'm not convinced yet.

Today, I'm in a funk. I don't know what this means except that it's probably there's many little chores that need to be done - boy is behind in schoolwork because he's been sick - that's usually my number one panic inducer. If he's behind, I have the that-means-I'm-behind panic. Tutoring today, assignments to enter into the teacher-assignment program, planning for classes...DD#4's new used car is already in the shop - probably needs new brakes. Every day, news of friends and family loosing jobs... panic. What a former pastor referred to as "living in the gap" and "downward spiralling". Worrying about things that haven't happened or that I have no power to control anyway. Letting these worries feed others and my panic feeding my anger... So, enough. Time to "put it in the dumpster", plant my own feet and get on with the day.

1 comment:

dorz11 said...

Put it in the dumptsa, fo sho!

Spring is coming...