Thursday, February 12, 2009


Discipleship class was really a good one last night. Discussion and readings about grace and law have helped me look again at my motives, and more importantly, my attitude in my teaching. I love being at school, and I love the kids - yet I easily get caught up in the "you need to ...", "we need to...", "this is the way we are going to do this...". You get the picture. I'm a big box checker - need to chart measureable progress. Legalism in a nutshell. Real growth that is motivated by love, is rarely measureable. Don't get me wrong, rules serve a purpose, and especially with teens, can't just be thrown out the window. But if my motive isn't love, and if I haven't put my students, and their needs first, then no learning will follow.

The question was asked: looking back, when and what contributed most to your spiritual growth, when have you experienced times of growth? I'm thinking this class is going to be one of those times....

On a different note - Ken Burns' Baseball series is on the MLB channel (I didn't know we had this channel!). Spring must be getting close.


Brent said...

It isn't that spring is getting close, rather that the fledgling MLB network has hours to fill...

...but that's an incredible way to fill them. I really enjoy watching that series.

jlester01 said...

Ken Burns could do a series on, oh...say, the history of bacon in human culture, and I would watch it with rapt attention.

dorz11 said...

Grace - that was a revelation that changed me life.

And while on the subject of bacon, the word verification I must type in to post this "bachin". To weird...