Monday, February 2, 2009

I got the cover on the planter yesterday, but it didn't stay put during the night. I cut one of the pipes too short, so now it's a giant highly tensioned spring that will probably hit me in the head and quite possibly put my eye out until I get another pipe. The cover is clear plastic sheeting, stitched together with staples...

Today, I'll plant some seeds - these are seed packages that I bought last year - in like June. HA! I realized pretty soon after getting them home that with a 70 day til harvest window, that would be August before I saw a carrot, and that no carrot, pea or lettuce leaf is going to make it through July in Texas - much less August - no matter HOW much I watered them. So, instead of going all crazy and buying a bunch of new seeds, I will start with these. And I will keep them in the house to start. It's going to be hard to keep them wet enought if I put them outside now, and I'm sure we've got one or two more days of seriously cold weather ahead.

Peas. No one in my family likes regular peas, but these are sugar snaps, and everyone seems to like those fairly well. I'm not sure how they get pollinated this time of year - not many bugs that I see flying/crawling around.

1 comment:

False-River said...

Step one is done! Step two is water the plantings or . . .

Yes, times are tough but we will survive somehow. We always do. Trust in the Lord.