Monday, January 3, 2011

Reading to start the year

Here's another unquantifiable resolution; more reading, less tv (facebook,surfing...). More reading in general, and at least one newspaper article each day (not on internet "news", but actually from the paper, either real or via kindle.... :-) )

Celebration of Discipline by Richard J. Foster so far, is a great book to start the new year with. It was recommended by Mutating Missionary (Robin), as a book that she tries to get back to re-read each year.

The description is that this book "... has helped over a million seekers discover a richer spiritual life infused with joy, peace, and a deeper understanding of God." (nothing unique there...) It focuses on the inward disciplines of meditation, prayer, fasting and study.

Outline notes : Introduction

I. Introduction

A. Spiritual Disciplines: Door to Liberation

B. The Slavery of Ingrained Habits

1. "Sin is part of the internal structure of our lives. No special effort is needed to produce it." Sin is not only "individual acts of disobedience to God", but it is ingrained in us. "The Ingrained Habits of Sin"...

2. "The moment we feel we can succeed and attain victory over sin by the strength of our will alone is the moment we are worshiping the will". Paul refers to this as will worship (col. 2:20 - 23). This also echos of Dr. John Hannah's teaching that essentially, our motives are never good.

3. "The will has the same deficiency as the law - it can deal only with externals. It is incapable of bringing about the necessary transformation of the inner spirit".

Lately, I have been focusing on my lack of self discipline in dealing with my weaknesses - fruit of the spirit number 9... self control. Here is a reminder that simple will alone has never been and will never be enough for me to change my ways. And - my motivation for changing whatever sin I am dealing with, usually is rooted in pride - a desire to look or behave like someone else in order to gain acceptance by other people. My motivation or desire is rarely to please God or to move away from the sin because it is, in fact, sin.

Next... The Spirtual Disciplines Open the Door


dorz11 said...

less surfing, less sitting, indeed! My thoughts exactly. I want to get out in nature, in creation. 60 hikes here we come, camping, parks, etc.

Robyn Rochelle E. said...

Wonderful! I believe that God is calling us all to His disciplines. Today I read in Oswald... not todays, even though today's is really good... I read January 18th AGAIN... I read it on the 18th and it has been like a bee in my brain and heart since then. I've decided this is blogging material. Thank you for the encouragement. God is doing wonderful stuff and I am dancing with Him. :-)

False-River said...

I read less now days. I do not have patients for it anymore. I read and read while in college. Read even more in Viet Nam, then less with my family in Germany. Slowly work took over. It must have paid off as work did well by me. Now in the age of rest, it is a different set of worries. I worry about our nation, about our religious institutions, our ability to do harm to each other in the guise of doing the right thing in our on selfish minds.