Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Thoughts for the day...

Someone suggested to me today that a certain democratic presidential candidate was really a socialist - even a borderline fascist.

Among all of the comments, criticisms and ridiculous accusations I hear about a certain democratic presidential candidate and his party predecessor, this one made me pause just based on world ideology. Does socialism lead to fascism? I thought socialism was a liberal, global economic system that emphasized allegiance among members of the same socio-economic group rather than among members of the same nationalistic identity (Marx's International Socialism, later adopted by Lenin and corrupted by Stalin), and fascism was a conservative hyper-nationalistic militaristic form of government (Hitler, Mussolini)... or something like that... putting them at opposite ends of two different (but related) spectra.


the idea that this candidate is a closet fascist will get filed along with the notion that all of our current economic problems are directly the fault of the last democratic president.s

Ok. i'm feeling buried by school. prepping for my classes, helping #1 son, a bit of tutoring...and I don't do nearly as much as others at our school. so, i'm wondering - do i bury myself so that i don't have to deal with other stuff?

having said that, i am glad we have chosen this path, no matter how much I gripe about the 4th gr. work load. #1 is happy, and my students are wonderful - as is the faculty and administration.

tomorrow and thursday are "off" days - teacher conferences both days, so no classes. Tomorrow, it's a trip to K. Kastle with #1's class. Grandma J. is coming this way too, so we are excited about that! It will be a great day, rain or shine.

I am tired of food and all the emotions that go along with it.

how did the pilgrims survive that first year? they got off that boat with next to nothing, in November, in Massachusetts...

tomorrow needs to include long-overdue haircut for #1 son.

it's wasp season... current body count : approx. 10 (this doesn't include the ones roasted alive in the fireplace).

my pinkie still hurts from my clodhopper face plant during my morning walk in the dark last week.

I have no books on my nightstand. the two that are there, i started and have chosen not to read. So, that leaves a pile of NYT crossword puzzles. Maybe I'll go find one to do.


Brent said...

I as see it, haircuts are never "long overdue." They're rarely necessary! :)

jlester01 said...

..unless the hair grows like a chia pet's hair...

dorz11 said...

Time for a Barnes and Noble(s) trip!

False-River said...

The person who commented is very astute, he is so astute he needs to be "a-stu-dent."

I find the Democratic candidate to be an extreme liberal and a borderline communist. The "Joe the Plumber" comment sort of proves it. For there he embodied the line of the hard line communist, "share the wealth." That is the antithisis of the American model. It was last espoused by Huey Long and he got shot - not necessarily for his views but that kinda added to it. In Huey's case, it was "a chicken in ever pot" coming out of the great depression. Huey was a populist, sort of a forerunner of today's liberal. He done some good and a whole lot of bad. Enough said.

Handsome man, your father.

Robyn Rochelle E. said...

Ich liebe dein Blog zu lesen...
I love reading your blog!!!