Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Today is a scary day. When people ask about our kids, we go down the list. Oh, #1 seems to be doing ok. Working. Boyfriend. Just doing her thing. #2 is good - Pre-Vet, doing well at school. #3 is at school, seems to be enjoying it. Contacts us pretty regularly. Seems to be getting some schoolwork done as well. Then we get to #4. Where's she going to school? "Oh (chuckling), we are just focusing on getting through High School right now (more chuckling)."

Last week, that job got complicated. I'm not chuckling any more.

We live in a town with more than it's fair share of Superkids with super opportunities. It keeps them busy, going, in demand, self-assured, their futures look bright, their options - seemingly limitless.

#4 is a Superkid, but not in the same way. She wears her heart on her sleeve. She is a friend to all and a friend for life (a "connector" according to Malcolm Gladwell). She wants to change the world. She questions authority, wonders why things can't change, wonders why people have to live in poverty, would (and does) literally give away all she has to someone who might be in need. She sees a life far, far beyond this town, and with people - different people - all kinds of people - and she sees them... really sees them.

We learned early on she wouldn't be disciplined - taking away any allowance didn't work, because she just gives away the money she has. Grounding? Her response was "I'm really looking forward to getting to spend some extra time with you guys!".

She's athletic and studious. She's not a superstar athlete or student. Her judgement can be poor, and her choices not the best, but she will turn any and every disadvantage into an opportunity. She is well loved. By alot of people. I am reminded of this every day. So even though her path has taken a left turn, and we have some decisions to make, I'm anxious to see what she will do with the opportunities that will come of it.


dorz11 said...

Ironic how optimists can deal with anything and successful pesimists are always running scared of failure.

Brent said...

She sounds more Superkid than the Superkids. And like the backstory of every great "success story" ever told.