Sunday, July 12, 2009


So, we went to Oklahoma City today to see this movie.

I had seen clips for it somewhere, and being long-time Bela Fleck fans, I thought "we should see that movie!". Then, I forgot about it.

Until yesterday.

Looking through the paperwork that was sent to DD#4 to prepare for her trip to Tanzania, I found a list of books/films to watch to become familiar with the culture. This movie was listed in the films to see. A scheme was hatched.

A great day in so many ways - a one day, relatively inexpensive get away, with DD#4, who rarely joins us on family outings anymore. OKC has a great museum district, and alot to see.

No surprise, the movie was full of music, and songs. The music that was played sounded so complex to me - I'm no musician. Yet, the lyrics were what struck me. Simple. Not songs about girls, clubs, dubs or dollars... The lyrics - happiness (the one word in a whole song), mother, father, death (it was once for chickens... it counts your ribs), songbirds, war, poverty, allah or the gods. I mean, that's it. One or two words per song. Beautiful complex music from the simplest instruments - sticks, strings, gourds, skins. The singers teeth and tongue, hands and feet. Simple lyrics from such amazing voices.

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